Yesterday, some friends invited me to go hiking, so I grabbed my water bottle and my camera and I was ready to go. We hiked up to Stewart Falls. The scenery was beautiful and the company was great; a perfect recipe for some fun pictures.
One day while I was home, I went with my Mom to water our horses. They were a little camera-shy at first, but it wasn't long till they warmed up to me.
This post is a little late, but "Happy 4th of July." I spent the day with my family in Nevada. Here are just a few shots from our day.
The 4th of July just wouldn't be the same without watermelon, but we were definitely surprised when we ended up with a yellow watermelon. I had never heard of a yellow watermelon before, but if you ever run into one, they taste just the same.
Just in case you were wondering, these are my feet. Once again proving - I really was there.